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All domains from 00.eu to 99.eu are registered. Even among the two-digit combinations, number-letters, z. B .: i5.eu there are no more available domains. If you're lucky and have patience, you may find and register an available eu domain among the 900 three-digit numbers. However, this is very unlikely, since even three-digit number domains given in the deletion are usually registered again after release by the awarding domain authority.
So if you want to own a two- or three-digit number domain, you have to look at the domain marketplaces. Those who do not necessarily need a particular combination, but only want a short domain, are best served by registering a three-digit combination - a mix of numbers and letters, which is not yet registered.
However, for those who value a two-digit number combination, should look at our list of domains as we offer a variety of these domains at fair prices.
Domain project by
Frankcom IT Service, Eichenring 3, 94060 Pocking, Germany, Email:
[email protected]